Donate To Riverside

If possible, please add to your support for Riverside

by making your donation by check, payable to The Riverside School.


Scores of Riverside alumni will point to their time here as more impactful than any other time in their academic careers. The kind of donation many regularly give to their almae matres could be transformative for our little school and enable countless students to benefit from the experience you, your child, or your grandchild has had here on Lily Pond Road. Please consider the size of your donations to Riverside, and think about that giving in the context of your other philanthropy because we are having as significant an impact on our students and the region as we ever have, and with more resources, we could do that better, for more students, and in perpetuity.

Please make a choice of how you'd like us to use your donation:

Annual Fund (our current priority): This helps us cover the gap between our tuition income and our operating expenses, and is a vital part of our annual budget.

Heron Fund
: The Heron Fund is an unrestricted endowment that we are building for the long-term viability of the school. When the Heron Fund reaches a sufficient size, it is our intention to take an annual draw from it to award needs-based tuition assistance to families that could otherwise not afford to attend Riverside.

Mortgage Principal
: With interest rates going up, our mortgage payments are set to cost us nearly six full tuitions every year. Retiring the debt will free up the annual money that now goes toward our mortgage principal and interest and allow us to offset the cost of the extensive student supports we now offer, continue to cover the cost of field trips and excursions for all students, and much-needed upgrades to infrastructure and administrative systems.

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